Taming D.O.O.M. Piles: Easy Tips to Declutter Your Space

Taming D.O.O.M. Piles: Easy Tips to Declutter Your Space

If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a messy pile of stuff, feeling overwhelmed, you might be dealing with a D.O.O.M. pile. But what are these piles, why do they happen, and how can you get rid of them?

What Are D.O.O.M. Piles?

D.O.O.M. stands for "Didn't Organize, Only Moved." These are messy piles of things that build up over time—like papers, clothes, gadgets, and random items. They often appear on desks, in corners, along walls or even hidden in closets and drawers. Most of the time they are already categorized, just not completely dealt with.

Why Do D.O.O.M. Piles Happen?

D.O.O.M. piles happen because the items in them don’t have a proper home. Instead of being organized and put away, they get moved around to make space for current tasks. Here’s why this happens:

1. No Designated Spot: Without a specific place to store each item, things get shuffled from one spot to another.

2. Procrastination: We put off finding a permanent spot, thinking we’ll deal with it later. This happens for a couple of reasons 1) you think it will take too long 2) you're afraid of making a mistake. What if I needed that? what if I put it in the wrong place? If this is you, I assure you, you are in good company.

3. Temporary Solutions: Quick fixes, like stuffing items into drawers or closets, starting to work on organization then loosing steam, lead to piles.

4. Overwhelm: The idea of creating a home for everything can feel daunting.

How to Conquer D.O.O.M. Piles

Don’t worry—there are simple steps to tackle these piles:

1. Start Small: Begin with one small area or type of item. This makes the task less overwhelming, and you are more likely to do it because your brain can't trick you into thinking it will take too long.

2. Sort Everything: Make piles for keep, donate, recycle, and trash. Once this is completed you pile will be much smaller and easier to manage.

3. Create Homes for Items: Find specific places for your items and stick to them. 

For example, have a spot for keys, mail, and other daily items. Try to make the spot somewhere near where you already put them. Don't try to invent the wheel, just make it prettier.

4. Label Spaces: Clearly label where things belong. This makes it easier to remember and stick to the system. Especially when you have multiple people in the space.

5. Declutter Regularly: Set aside time each week to tidy up. Regular clean-ups prevent future D.O.O.M. piles. This could be a day of the week, based on how big the pile is, or anything that will trigger your brain to remember.

6. Handle Emotions: Perfectionism is one of the biggest causes of D.O.O.M. piles. Remember that even if you find a home, and it doesn't work out, that's okay, it's all part of the process to find the best space.

7. Ask for Help: If you’re stuck, get a friend or a professional organizer to help. Having another person to distract you while you work, or to bounce ideas off of is a great way to move forward.

Benefits of Decluttering

Clearing D.O.O.M. piles isn’t just about a tidy room. It helps you feel less stressed, more focused, and more in control of your space and your life.

So, don’t let D.O.O.M. piles get you down. Start small, stay consistent, and enjoy the peace that comes with an organized space!